Alternatives to 911

Alternatives to 911

We envision a social order that does not rely upon police to assist those with mental health challenges.

Here’s Why:
Here’s How:
Radical Mental Health First Aid:

Navigating Crisis (The Icarus Project)

Helping your friends who wanna sometimes die maybe not die (zine on suicide intervention for weirdos, freaks, and queers)

Pod Mapping Worksheets (Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective)

What I Wish You Knew about Suicidality and Things That Helped When Despair Got Big and Loud (Dandelion Hill, offerings by those with lived experience)

Building Community Crisis Response Learning Page (Andrea J. Ritchie)

Painting the Ocean & the Sky: The Language of Nuance and Purpose in Our Non-Carceral Community Crisis (Shira Hassan)

Oumou Sylla

Toolkits for IPV:

(focused on community accountability and transformative justice)